Phone Conversation

Telephone table instrument (Rankin Kennedy

As required in the course I had a phone conversation with my learning partners to understand what issues were currently trending in their respective fields.

Savahna works as a radiology technician in Vancouver. I was not surprised to hear that this field is facing staffing shortages just like nursing. Another trend is the use of AI and computer learning in teaching radiology techs. In general, there have been drastic change in the way we approach the accessibility of adult education with so many new opportunities online that benefit the adult learner, some that were born out of the covid crisis. Savahna noted that adult learners are bringing new expectations for their experience in the learning environment.

Dusko teaches aircraft Maintenace and also noted all the changes around the integration of AI and computer simulations in training. The other notable trend Dusko spoke of is the reduction of greenhouse gasses in the industry. I had not realized how much greenhouse gas is emitted from air travel. Dusko also talked about the struggles to attract and retain staff.

I certainly see a few trends that run through all our fields, the main trend being the shortage of people and the increased use of technology in the classroom.






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